Selena Gomez Just Explained How Lupus Medication Affects Her Body – Lose Weight in Your Hips


When you’re living with a chronic condition, finding the right treatment makes a huge difference in your day-to-day life. Still, most medications, as beneficial as they can be, come with trade-offs—including potential side effects that take some getting used to. That’s something Selena Gomez has faced publicly for years.

The 30-year-old singer has lupus, an autoimmune condition that causes chronic inflammation in many parts of the body, like the skin, joints, heart, kidneys, lungs, and more. This leads to a spectrum of symptoms and possible complications, like persistent pain, overwhelming fatigue, skin rashes, frequent fevers, kidney damage, heart problems, and mental health disorders like depression, among others.

Though her health is nobody’s business, Gomez has been open about her condition and how it affects her physically and emotionally. “My lupus, my kidney transplant, chemotherapy, having a mental illness, going through very public heartbreaks—these were all things that honestly should have taken me down,” she told Elle in 2021. But she would think to herself: “‘You’re going to help people,’” she recalled. “That’s really what kept me going.

She’s still staying true to that sentiment. Recently, the Rare Beauty founder addressed the relentless, unsolicited comments she’s been receiving about her body—which, to be clear, is a topic no one should ever need to explain. During a livestream on TikTok, which was later posted on Twitter, Gomez said she tends “to hold a lot of water weight” when she’s taking a certain medication, though she didn’t specify the type.

“I just wanted to…encourage anyone out there who feels any sort of shame for exactly what they’re going through, and no one knows the real story,” she said.

There are various medications that can help treat lupus, and they all come with potential side effects that go beyond weight fluctuation.

Lupus impacts each person differently, so medication regimens are also “highly individualized,” Margo Bowman, PharmD, director of clinical pharmacy services at Corewell Health in Grand Rapids, Michigan, tells SELF.

Many people with lupus are on hydroxychloroquine, a disease-modifying antirheumatic drug (DMARD), which helps control inflammation and lower the risk of flare-ups, or periods when the disease is active and causing symptoms, Lynn Ludmer, MD, medical director of the department of rheumatology at Baltimore’s Mercy Medical Center, tells SELF. “It has been known to increase lifespan and decrease the risk of brain and kidney disease,” she says. “After that, it depends on the particular kind of lupus a person has, and the right medication varies from person to person.”

Corticosteroids may also be used short-term to fight inflammation and control symptoms. “These medicines are very important to allow us to ‘put out the fire’ immediately,” Dr. Ludmer says. They’re pretty potent drugs, so experts try to prescribe them at “the lowest dose for the shortest amount of time,” she adds.

That’s because long-term use of corticosteroids is linked to a slew of potential side effects—and some degree of weight fluctuation is one that many people taking them experience, according to Johns Hopkins Medicine.

Do you have a pear-shaped body and are looking to slim down your hips? If so, here are some tips to get you started on your hip slimming journey:

1. Eat a balanced diet that is low in calories and high in nutrition. Focus on eating lean proteins, fruits, vegetables, and whole grains.

2. Increase your activity level. Try to get some form of exercise into your daily routine, such as walking, jogging, or cycling.

3. Drink plenty of water. Staying well-hydrated helps to flush out toxins, which can help to reduce fat in your hips.

4. Cut down on processed foods and unhealthy fats. Eating too much unhealthy fat can lead to weight gain and make it harder to slim down your hips.

5. Practice yoga and stretching. Doing yoga and stretching exercises can help to improve your posture and make your hips look slimmer.

6. Get plenty of sleep. Not getting enough sleep can cause your hormones to be out of balance, which can lead to weight gain.

7. Try waist training. Wearing a waist trainer can help to compress your midsection and reduce the appearance of your hips.


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