PhenQ Meal Shake Reviews – Does It Work?


PhenQ Complete Meal Shake is a new nutritional supplement from the PhenQ team. Priced at $83 for two bags, PhenQ’s Complete Meal Shake is available in chocolate or vanilla flavors. According to PhenQ, Complete Meal Shake can burn excess fat, suppress appetite, and keep you energized.

Is PhenQ’s Complete Meal Shake worth the price? How does Complete Meal Shake work? Keep reading to discover everything you need to know about Complete Meal Shake and how it works.

What is PhenQ Complete Meal Shake?

Complete Meal Shake is a meal replacement shake made by weight loss supplement company PhenQ. Like other meal replacement formulas, Complete Meal Shake is designed to give you protein, vitamins, minerals, fats, and other nutrients to replace meals.

Some people use meal replacement shakes to replace meals. Instead of eating lunch, for example, you take a meal replacement shake. Others use meal replacement shakes as mid-day snacks or to supplement an active lifestyle.

With PhenQ’s Complete Meal Shake, you get 24 vitamins and minerals, 16g of protein, and 13g of healthy fat in each serving. The formula is also sugar-free and keto-friendly. By taking Complete Meal Shake daily, you can purportedly burn excess fat, suppress appetite, and stay energized throughout the day.

Complete Meal Shake is priced at $83.34 for two bags, with each bag containing 18 meals. Each serving of Complete Meal Shake is designed to replace one full meal, giving you everything you need to support an on-the-go lifestyle.


Complete Meal Shake Features & Benefits

PhenQ maintains all of the following features and benefits with Complete Meal Shake:

  • Curb hunger and shed excess pounds
  • 100% plant-based nutrition
  • Boost energy and control cravings
  • Dairy-free, nut-free, gluten-free, vegan, and keto-friendly
  • 16g of vegan protein, 13g of healthy fat, and 24 vitamins and minerals per serving

Complete Meal Shake Versus Traditional Dieting

PhenQ markets Complete Meal Shake as an alternative to traditional dieting. Many people fail to lose weight with traditional diets. Complete Meal Shake aims to change that.

According to PhenQ, people fail to lose weight with traditional diets because of two main issues:

Reason #1: Lack of Delicious and Nutritious Options: Many people try dieting, only to fail because they eat the wrong foods. For example, they try eating healthy food that doesn’t taste good and end up feeling frustrated, switching back to their original, unhealthy diet. Complete Meal Shake aims to change this by leaving you feeling full, satisfied, and happy.

Reason #2: Not Enough Time in the Day to Make Tasty and Nutritious Meals: Even if you know how to make healthy and tasty meals, you might not have enough time to make those meals. Making healthy and nutritious meals takes time. Complete Meal Shake aims to solve that problem by letting you make healthy food in minutes.

PhenQ’s team of nutritionists has solved that problem by creating a science-backed way to check off all your nutritional needs – all with a simple shake.


Complete Meal Shake Flips your Metabolic Switch

PhenQ’s nutritionists have designed Complete Meal Shake as a way to flip your metabolic switch. By taking Complete Meal Shake daily, you can optimize your metabolism and activate your metabolic switch.

Here’s how PhenQ explains the metabolic switch:

“This “switch” is called AMP-activated protein kinase, or AMPK for short. It’s a special enzyme that targets excess fat and tells it to get lost. Think of the AMPK like an energetic “fat-burning machine.” Once it’s flipped on, its natural energy helps encourage cells to dispel excess fat.”

By taking Complete Meal shake daily, you can optimize AMPK, flipping on your switch and making it easier to lose weight.

Your AMPK slows down with age, making it harder to burn fat and lose weight. As you get older, you gain more weight – and it becomes more difficult to lose that weight. PhenQ developed its Complete Meal Shake as a way to solve that problem. The formula aims to re-ignite your slowed-down metabolism and support a healthy AMPK response, giving you enhanced fat-burning capability.

How Does Complete Meal Shake Work?

Every weight-loss shake formula claims to optimize weight loss, metabolism, and fat burning. However, many of them don’t work. What makes Complete Meal Shake different? How does Complete Meal Shake work?

Here are some of the key mechanisms behind the Complete Meal Shake formula:

More Than Just a Diet Drink: You can find plenty of diet drinks, and weight loss formulas sold online, including thermogenic formulas that boost energy and metabolism using stimulants like caffeine. However, many of these diet drinks leave you feeling empty. They don’t contain fats, vitamins, minerals, and nutrients. Even protein powders don’t function as meal replacement shakes. As PhenQ explains, diet drinks and protein powders leave you feeling empty. With Complete Meal Shake, you can replace one full meal, making it easy to fit the formula into any lifestyle.

Vitamin and Mineral Rich: Complete Meal Shake is rich in vitamins and minerals. Each serving of Complete Meal Shake contains 24 vitamins and minerals, 16g of protein, and 13g of healthy fat from natural MCT oil. You also get adaptogens, which are natural ingredients that support physical and mental stress responses. Complete Meal Shake contains things we don’t see in competing formulas with ingredients like KSM-66 ashwagandha for mood, muscle recovery, and energy. The formula also contains InnoSlim, a patented weight loss ingredient proven to support AMPK response and burn up to 11% more belly fat, according to PhenQ.

Great Taste: Many weight loss formulas and diet drinks make big promises – yet they don’t taste very good. PhenQ aims to solve this problem with incredible taste. In fact, PhenQ claims to have tested 32 different variations before settling on the final taste and texture for its Complete Meal Shake formula.

PhenQ Complete Meal Shake Benefits

PhenQ emphasizes all of the following benefits for its Complete Meal Shake:

Replaces 1 Full Meal: Complete Meal Shake is designed to replace one full meal as all good meal replacement shakes. Any protein shake contains protein, and any weight loss formula contains vitamins and minerals, but Complete Meal Shake contains fats, adaptogens, and other ingredients we don’t find in other weight loss formulas.

Help Shed Excess Weight: PhenQ’s Complete Meal Shake can help shed excess weight. Each serving contains 269 calories, giving you a nutrient-dense meal without overloading calories. The PhenQ team has combined science-backed ingredients and clinically-tested weight loss formulas to complete the ultimate meal replacement shake. To shed excess weight further, Complete Meal Shake optimizes AMPK, a fat-burning enzyme that can support weight loss efforts further.

Satisfy Hunger Cravings: The best way to lose weight is to restrict calorie consumption and increase calorie expenditure. PhenQ makes it easier to lose weight by satisfying hunger cravings. Each serving of PhenQ Complete Meal Shake contains 16g of protein and 13g of MCT oil, both of which can help you feel fuller. There’s also fiber, which can soak up water in your stomach to make you feel full. PhenQ’s Complete Meal Shake can suppress appetite to help you lose weight more easily for all of these reasons and more.

Boost Natural Energy: PhenQ allows you to boost natural energy using MCT oil and other ingredients. Many people take MCT oil and other healthy fats daily to boost energy. The MCT oil in Complete Meal Shake comes from coconuts. Studies show that MCT oil can improve energy, energy, and cognition, among other effects.

Increase Muscle Strength: PhenQ’s Complete Meal Shake contains 16g of vegan protein. Your body needs protein to rebuild muscle fibers after working out. If you’re trying to lose weight by exercising, you need protein to support endurance and recovery. PhenQ also emphasizes the use of ashwagandha to support muscle strength: KSM-66 ashwagandha was shown to boost muscle strength by 138.7% in one major study.

Ideal for On-the-Go Activity: If you have a busy lifestyle, it can be tough to fit healthy meals and shakes into your daily lifestyle. PhenQ’s Complete Meal Shake is marketed as a perfect on-the-go option. Priced at around $2 per day, you get a powerful meal replacement shake at a reasonable rate no matter how busy you are.


PhenQ Complete Meal Shake Ingredients

PhenQ discloses the full list of ingredients and dosages upfront, making it easy to compare Complete Meal Shake to other weight loss formulas, protein shakes, and supplements available today.

250mg of InnoSlim: InnoSlim is a pharmaceutical-quality blend of natural plant extracts designed specifically for weight loss. The formula contains ginseng and astragalus to help reduce caloric intake, suppress appetite, and improve weight loss efforts. Studies show these ingredients can up-regulate AMPK, a fat-burning enzyme that makes it easier to lose weight. The full list of ingredients includes:

300mg of KSM-66 Ashwagandha: KSM-66 is a patented ashwagandha linked to weight loss, muscle strength, and stress response. Marketed as the world’s most powerful form of ashwagandha, KSM-66 was proven to improve muscle strength by 138.7% in one study. It’s also been shown to increase endurance by up to 13.6% and decrease stress levels by 32.7%, making it easier to lose weight by avoiding stress eating.

Your body needs protein to rebuild muscle fibers after a workout. 12g of Pea Protein: Complete Meal Shake contains 12g of pea protein per serving. Pea protein contains all 9 essential amino acids, including leucine, isoleucine, valine, and arginine, along with iron. As PhenQ explains, Complete Meal Shake’s pea protein is just as effective at building lean muscle mass as whey protein, and it has a 94% digestibility rate. That means your body absorbs more of the protein and amino acids than it would with dairy-based protein, which means more muscle-building effectiveness.

Each serving of Complete Meal Shake contains 13g of MCT coconut oil. 13g of MCT Coconut Oil: Many people take MCT coconut oil daily for weight loss, energy, and cognition. PhenQ describes MCT coconut oil as “nature’s brain butter” for its ability to improve brain functions. MCT oil can also help the body transition from carb/sugar burning to fat burning, encouraging your body to burn fat for energy to help you lose weight. MCT oil can also help you feel full. Because of all of these effects, MCT oil is one of the most popular weight loss ingredients available today.

100mg of Reishi Mushroom Extract: Reishi mushroom is an adaptogen used for centuries in traditional Asian medicine. Advertised as the “mushroom of immortality” by PhenQ, reishi mushroom extract is packed with adaptogens that can reduce fatigue, boost energy, enhance cognition, and improve blood sugar levels.

The linseed flour in Complete Meal Shake can manage inflammation, improve gut health, normalize bowel movements, strengthen heart health, and suppress appetite, among other benefits, according to PhenQ. 11g of Linseed Flour: Linseed flour comes from flaxseed. It’s rich in omega-3 fatty acids, vitamins, minerals, soluble fiber, and insoluble fibers.

1.5g of Hemp Protein: To complement the pea protein, Complete Meal Shake contains 1.5g of hemp protein. Hemp protein is loaded with antioxidants, vitamins, minerals, fiber, and omega-3 fatty acids. PhenQ cites studies showing that hemp protein can suppress appetite for junk food and help regulate blood sugar levels, among other ingredients.

1.5g of Brown Rice Protein: Brown rice protein is one of the more popular vegan protein sources today. Naturally extracted from brown rice, brown rice protein complements pea protein and hemp protein to enhance the muscle-building power of PhenQ’s Complete Meal Shake.

Vitamins and Minerals: Complete Meal Shake contains a range of vitamins and minerals in different forms, including potassium chloride, magnesium phosphate, calcium carbonate, di-calcium phosphate anhydrous, ascorbic acid (vitamin C), ferrous fumarate, DL-alpha tocopherol acetate powder preparation, zinc aspartate, nicotinic acid, potassium iodide, retinol acetate, manganese citrate, calcium D-pantothenate, di-biotin preparation, copper sulphate, methylcobalamin (vitamin B12), Vita-algae D vegan vitamin D3 preparation, pyridoxine hydrochloride (vitamin B6), thiamin hydrochloride, riboflavin, chromium picolinate, folic acid, and sodium selenite anhydrous.

Other Ingredients: Other ingredients in the PhenQ Complete Meal Shake formula include reduced fat cocoa powder, sodium chloride, flavoring, choline bitartrate, and sucralose (as a sweetener).

How to Use PhenQ Complete Meal Shake


PhenQ recommends mixing one or two scoops of Complete Meal Shake with the beverage of your choice, then replacing one meal daily to lose weight.


Here’s how it works:

Step 1) Mix one or two scoops of PhenQ’s Complete Meal Shake with water, milk, a shake, or the beverage of your choice. PhenQ recommends using a formula without added sugar, like unsweetened almond milk. PhenQ recommends mixing one 50.7g scoop to 300mL to 400mL of liquid, taking a maximum of three servings per day.

Step 2) Shake or stir and enjoy. The 24 vitamins and minerals, 16g of vegan protein, and 13g of fat in Complete Meal Shake are designed to boost metabolism, raise energy, and satisfy excess food cravings.

Step 3) Add PhenQ’s Complete Meal Shake to your daily routine to enjoy powerful weight loss results.


PhenQ Complete Meal Shake Ingredients Label

PhenQ ingredients and dosages. Here’s the full list of vitamins, minerals, and nutrients in each serving of Complete Meal Shake:

  • 500mg of potassium (25% DV)
  • 240mg of calcium (30% DV)
  • 210mg of phosphorous (30% DV)
  • 112.50mg of magnesium (30% DV)
  • 24mg of vitamin C (30% DV)
  • 4.80mg of vitamin B3 (30% DV)
  • 4.20mg of iron (30% DV)
  • 3.60mg of vitamin E (30% DV)
  • 3.00mg of zinc (30% DV)
  • 1.80mg of vitamin B5 (30% DV)
  • 600mcg of manganese (30% DV)
  • 420mcg of vitamin B2 (30% DV)
  • 420mcg of vitamin B6 (30% DV)
  • 330mcg of vitamin B1 (30% DV)
  • 300mcg of copper (30% DV)
  • 240mcg of vitamin A (30% DV)
  • 60mcg of folic acid (30% DV)
  • 45mcg of iodine (30% DV)
  • 22.5mcg of vitamin K2 (30% DV)
  • 16.5mcg of selenomethionine (30% DV)
  • 15mcg of biotin (30% DV)
  • 12mcg of chromium (30% DV)
  • 1.5mcg of vitamin D3 (30% DV)
  • 0.75mcg of vitamin B12 (30% DV)
  • 13g of coconut oil MCT
  • 12g of pea protein
  • 11g of linseed flour
  • 1.50g of brown rice protein
  • 1.50g of hemp protein
  • 300mg of KSM-66 ashwagandha
  • 250mg of InnoSlim
  • 100mg of reishi mushroom extract (with 30% polysaccharides)

Each serving of Complete Meal Shake contains 254 calories, 15.96g of fat, 4.98g of carbs, 2.4g of sugar, 15.52g of protein, and 0.8g of salt.


PhenQ Complete Meal Shake Pricing

Complete Meal Shake is priced at $83.34 for two bags. You can also subscribe to save 10% on each monthly purchase.

Here’s how pricing breaks down through the official website at

  • One-Time Purchase: $83.34 for two bags (18 complete meals per bag)
  • Subscribe & Save: 10% off

You can add another bag to your purchase for $36.66. When buying two bags at once, you’re paying $2.45 per meal. Each Complete Meal Shake serving counts as a complete meal.

Complete Meal Shake is available in chocolate or vanilla flavors. PhenQ is planning to release new flavors in the future, including peanut butter, pumpkin spice, or cookies ‘n cream (customers can vote on which flavor they make next).

PhenQ recommends buying a 90 or 180 day supply to get the best slimming results. Over a 90 or 180 day period, you allow the natural ingredients to get to work.


Complete Meal Shake Refund Policy

PhenQ offers a 60-day moneyback guarantee on all purchases. You can request a complete refund on your purchase within 60 days.

If you’re unsatisfied with Complete Meal Shake for any reason, or if you did not experience weight loss results with the formula, then you are entitled to a complete refund.


About PhenQ

PhenQ is a weight loss supplement brand under the Wolfson Brands (UK) Limited family. Wolfson Brands Limited manufactures PhenQ formulas in an FDA-approved facility.

In addition to selling the PhenQ Complete Meal Shake, the company also sells its flagship weight loss supplement, the PhenQ diet tablet. By taking two tablets of PhenQ daily, you can enjoy a five-in-one weight loss formula.

To date, PhenQ has had over 190,000 satisfied customers.

You can contact the PhenQ team via the following:

  • Email Form:
  • Phone: +1 (646) 513 2632
  • Headquarters: 12 Payne Street, Glasgow, UK G4 0LF

Final Word

Weight loss supplement company PhenQ has launched a new weight loss formula called Complete Meal Shake.

Designed to replicate the nutritional value, Complete Meal Shake contains vitamins, minerals, adaptogens, and other ingredients to help you lose weight. By taking one serving of Complete Meal Shake daily, you can boost AMPK to support metabolism, making it easier to lose weight at any age.

To learn more about PhenQ’s Complete Meal Shake and how the formula works, visit online today at




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